2nd of two copies of Oath of Horatii (original by Jacques-Louis David, 1784, Louvre, Paris). Approx 6′ x 8′, oil on canvas circa 2002



Oathish – Last century I was commissioned to paint Oath of the Horatii by David at a smaller scale (aprox 6′ x 8′). Someone from Korea saw it and liked it, so I painted it again and shipped it over.

At the time, there was no access to artwork on line, so I had to work from reproductions aka posters are us.

The source materials took on a life of their own after the projects were done, and became the basis for the series Oathish (below) where the subject became the layer of degradation, tears and grubbiness of the material in contrast to the over the top heroics of the original.


Oathish Season 1 Episode 3, 20″ x 30″ oil on canvas circa 2016, available

Oathish Season 1-Episode 2, 20″ x 30″ oil on canvas circa 2016, available

Oathish Season 1 Episode 1, 20″ x 30″ oil on canvas circa 2016, available


Installation View, Mua Oakland